The company grows winter soft wheat on about 35% of the cultivated areas. The conditions for growing this culture in the region are very good. The company has harvested areas sown with the following varieties: "Avenue", "Stromboli", "Forcali", "Lazuli". The produced grain mainly meets the indicators of the IIB group.
The culture occupies about 40% of the cultivated areas. The company grows hybrids of Pioneer, Dekalb, Saaten Union, Mass Seeds. The soil and climatic conditions in the region are some of the best for growing maize.
The culture occupies about 10% of the cultivated areas. Agroaktiv EOOD mainly grows black oilseed sunflower. The soil and climatic conditions in the region are favorable for the production of black oil sunflower seeds with a high percentage of oil content. Agroaktiv EOOD grows sunflower hybrids of SAATEN UNION
The company grows winter oilseed rape. The culture is relatively new in the agricultural practice of Agroaktiv EOOD. Soil conditions in the region are very good.
Oilseed flax is included in the farm's crop rotation, being marketed and marketed in the direction of healthy nutrition and cosmetic products.